Whether your Enrolment Boost is brand new or established, if you don’t have a robust marketing strategy you may find yourself with an empty classroom at drop-off time. The goal of childcare marketing is to create awareness and attract new families to your program and keep you top of mind when parents are looking for a daycare or pre-school close by.
One of the most effective child care marketing strategies is to promote the high quality of your educators. It’s a powerful way to set your school apart from the competition and demonstrate that you’re the best choice for local families. Video testimonials from happy parents and teachers are also an excellent way to spread the word about your school.
The Power of Storytelling: How to Use Narrative in Childcare Marketing to Drive Enrolment
Childcare marketing is a local game, so it’s important to monitor what tactics get you the best results in your specific area. A great way to do this is to set up conversion tracking on your Facebook ads. This lets you see exactly how many people saw your ad and what action they took, like clicking through to your website or filling out an inquiry form.
Partnering with other local institutions is another great childcare marketing strategy to grow your audience and build trust with potential parents in your community. Libraries, schools, police departments, service agencies and local businesses/employers are all great places to post your flyers or leave brochures. You can even offer incentives for referrals, like a free week of tuition or credits to use at your school, to encourage parents to spread the word.